Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Shaitan Singh:Indo-China War 1962

About soldiers thse lines are engraved on shrine of Shaitan Singh of Rajputana Rifles all whose men perished fighting. Their bodies were found frozen but yet ready to throw grenade or fire gun when discovered months later.
“How can a man die better/ Than facing fearful odds/ For the ashes of his fathers/ And the temples of his gods”

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First Indian Bicycle Lock_Godrej_1962_याद आया स्वदेशी साइकिल लाॅक_नलिन चौहान

कोविद-19 ने पूरी दुनिया को हिलाकर रख दिया है। इसका असर जीवन के हर पहलू पर पड़ा है। इस महामारी ने आवागमन के बुनियादी ढांचे को लेकर भी नए सिरे ...